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Facebook Instant Articles – “Generating New Revenue Streams for Your Content”

By Published On: February 03, 2017 - Categories: Industry Insights Uncategorized

Facebook Instant Articles is a new way for businesses and sporting clubs alike to generate new revenue streams and monetise content on Facebook, whilst ensuring that their content is mobile friendly and fully optimised to be consumed on the go.

Facebook Instant Articles have been a part of the website since 2015, initially only available as a trial run with some of the largest news and media publishers, such as: BBC, The Guardian, Times and National Geographic. Recently, Facebook invited all companies to utilise the feature, raising the question as to how businesses can benefit best from utilisation of this new feature.

Previously when posting articles to Facebook, the ad-intensive pages would be slow to load and would drive users away from Facebook and potentially, a business’s content. Research has shown that 40% of consumers will abandon a page that takes longer than 3 seconds to load, even just a second delay can result in a 7% drop in conversion rate. Facebook Instant Articles addresses this, with articles now loading in a simplified format that reduces page load times and improves user drop-off rates.

But there is far more to it than that, especially when it comes to monetisation options. StreamAMG’s development, for the first time, allows businesses and clubs to use their own StreamAMG video player to be embedded within the Facebook post. This gives you full control over not only customising the look of your content, but also your monetisation options. The ads being displayed on your articles are entirely under your control and as they are managed separately from those that you are restricted to on your website, will open up new advertising options. For the first time, allowing you to generate new revenue streams through publishing your content directly on Facebook (and not being restricted to having to use the Facebook video player).


We foresee the potential and uptake on this to be massive, with many businesses and clubs now being able to target their huge numbers of followers with tailored content and advertising. Businesses retain 100% of the revenue generated from advertising on Facebook Instant Articles, further emphasising why this new revenue stream would be a lucrative investment.

Facebook Instant Articles also come with great new interactive features, with easily scalable videos and images which can be imported from any pre-existing content. The simple design tools allow you absolute control of what appears on each article. Video content hosted through StreamMP (Stream Media Platform) is easily embedded via an iframe, (as you can see on our demo reel), making the entire publishing process stream-lined and efficient.

In short, Facebook Instant Articles give you high quality interactive media content on mobile and tablet devices, which loads with a single tap, with 100% of the advertising revenue going to you, the content publisher.

If you would like to hear more about how StreamAMG can help your business to monetise your content through Facebook Instant Articles, then get in touch via info@streamamg.com or call 0800 061 2361.

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