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Terms & Conditions

This website, including any section and/or sub-section accessible through the homepage (henceforth referred to as “the Website”), is the property of, edited by and maintained by Stream UK Media Services Limited and/or any affiliated subsidiary (henceforth referred to as “Stream UK Media Services Limited”). Should you purchase any product or services through this Website, you may purchase them from Stream UK Media Services Limited as established in the particular conditions that you will have to expressly accept before any purchase. READ CAREFULLY any PURCHASING POLICY before initiating any purchase.

We request that you bear in mind and take note upon accessing, browsing or utilising the Website, the User accepts the terms and conditions indicated in this document and any additional terms and conditions indicated in any part of the Website, without limits or reservations.

Any material presented in the Website including, but not limited to, audio, images, software, text and/or videoclips (henceforth referred to as “Content”) is protected according to the Intellectual Property Laws. The Content should not be used, apart from in the form specified in this document and/or in the “Purchasing Policies”, and it remains prohibited to eliminate references to copyright or commercial brands and any other corresponding references. Any unauthorised use of Content will be penalised.

The User is only authorised to use the Website for personal purposes. Therefore the User is always an end consumer and not a reseller or otherwise. Supply, exchange, modification, selling and transmission of any Content at which the User may have access through the Website for any purpose is not permitted, whether it be for free or paid.

Visiting the Website does not oblige the User to purchase or contract any product or service. However, User will be able to purchase products or services according to the “Purchasing Policies” for each product or service.

Stream UK Media Services Limited offers links to other websites solely for the convenience of visitors, and is not responsible for the content of any page accessed through the Website. The existence of links to any other page from the Website does not mean that Stream UK Media Services Limited approves of, subscribes to or recommends said page. Stream UK Media Services Limited is not responsible for any content from third parties and does not give any warranty, explicit or implicit, in relation to the accuracy, legality, exactitude or validity of any other page. Stream UK Media Services Limited is not responsible for any product and/or offered by or purchased from different parties other than Stream UK Media Services Limited.

The User recognises and accepts that Stream UK Media Services Limited is not responsible for Content from third parties, or for any cases of defamation, error, inaccuracy, slander, obscenity or blasphemy included in such communication. Stream UK Media Services Limited, in cases in which they have knowledge of such matters, will be able to modify, edit or delete any material used or conversations deemed illegal, indecent, obscene or offensive, or that violate Stream UK Media Services Limited policy in any form. Stream UK Media Services Limited will fully cooperate with any law-upholding authorities or judicial orders that solicit the identity of whom ever publishes such material.

Any communication or material that the User sends to the Website, including details, questions, comments, ideas, suggestions or similar, will be considered non-confidential information by Stream UK Media Services Limited and that is in the public domain. Such communication may be used by Stream UK Media Services Limited or its affiliates for any purpose, including but not limited to reproduction, disclosure, publication, retransmission and forwarding. Likewise, the User recognises and accepts that Stream UK Media Services Limited will be free to use (without restriction, time limit or compensation to the User) in any way and for any purpose, any ideas, concepts or techniques included or derived from any User-Website correspondence.

The User acknowledges and recognises that transmissions through the Internet are never totally private and secure, unless indicated to the contrary. Sending a message to Stream UK Media Services Limited does not imply that Stream UK Media Services Limited has special responsibility as regards the User. In the moment that the User accesses pages or sections in which the existence of security control is specified (as in the case of a bank transfer) the security of the data’s being sent will be established by set conditions.

The present Terms and Conditions of Use, and any other additional conditions published on the Website, constitute a full agreement between Stream UK Media Services Limited and the User in relation to the use of the Website, and are applicable to the relationship between the buyer and Stream UK Media Services Limited’s affiliates if the User acquires any service or product through the Website. If Stream UK Media Services Limited or any of its affiliates delays or fails to enforce any of these Terms and Conditions it shall not mean that Stream UK Media Services Limited or any of its affiliates has waived its right to do so. If it is found by a Court that any of these Terms and Conditions for any reason cannot be enforced, this shall not prevent the other provisions from continuing to apply. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions and no action taken by the User, Stream UK Media Services Limited or any of its affiliates under this Terms and Conditions shall create, or be deemed to create, a partnership, joint venture or establish a relationship of principal and agent or any other relationship between the parties beyond the contractual relationship established under these Terms and Conditions.

The User is obliged to comply with any additional conditions indicated on the Website, likewise any conditions able to be modified in accordance with necessary through a change in law. Stream UK Media Services Limited will be permitted to modify in whole or in part the present Terms and Conditions Of Use at any given moment, at it sole discretion and without prior notice to the User. Continuing to use the Website after such changes have been published indicates an acceptance of said changes. Stream UK Media Services Limited reserves the right to modify, cancel, alter replace, change, interrupt or suspend any Content published on the Website, be it temporary or permanent, without prior notification or assuming any responsibility.

Force Majeure. For the purpose of these Terms and Conditions, “Force Majeure” means any cause beyond the control of one of the parties including, without limitation, act of God, war, insurrection, riot, civil disturbances, acts of terrorism, fire, explosion, flood, electricity black-out, network or server failure, theft of essential equipment, malicious damage, strike, lock out, weather, third party injunction, national defence requirements, actions taken by the police, acts or regulations of national or local governments. Stream UK Media Services Limited and its affiliated companies will not be liable to the User for failure to perform any obligation under these Terms and Conditions to the extent that the failure is caused by Force Majeure.

Stream UK Media Services Limited is entitled to assign any right and obligation under these Terms and Conditions provided that the User’s rights are not adversely affected.

The present Terms and Conditions Of Use are governed and subject to UK law, without reference to legal norms, and in the case of a dispute the User it will be submitted to the jurisdiction of the Courts of London, UK. If any dispute arises out of these Terms and Conditions, Stream UK Media Services Limited or any of its affiliates will attempt to settle it. To this end Stream UK Media Services Limited shall use the reasonable endeavours to consult, negotiate in good faith, and attempt to reach a just and equitable settlement satisfactory to both parties.

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